Home » Cell Structure Probes » 7-AAD (7-Aminoactinomycin D)


7-AAD (7-Aminoactinomycin D)


7-Aminoactinomycin D (7-AAD) is a membrane-impermeant fluorescent DNA binding dye that is useful for live/dead discrimination and cell cycle analysis by flow cytometry. 7-AAD/DNA complexes can be excited by the 488 nm laser and has an emission maxima of 647 nm, making this nucleic acid stain useful for multicolor fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry. 7-AAD appears to be generally excluded from live cells and early apoptotic cells, but stains necrotic and late apoptotic cells with compromised membrane integrity. 7-AAD has been used for cell cycle analysis by flow cytometry. 7-AAD also intercalates selectively at GC-rich regions of DNA yielding a distinct banding pattern in polytene chromosomes and chromatin for use in chromosome banding studies.

Excitation/Emission: 546/647 nm
Shipping Condition: Ambient
Storage Conditions: -20ºC, protect from light
Molecular Formula: C62H87N13O16
Molecular Weight: 1270.45
CAS Number: 7240-37-1  


To Order

Buy Cat.No. Product name Ex/Em(nm) Size Price
C012 7-AAD (7-Aminoactinomycin D) 546/647 1 mg 980 



Protocol (PDF): C012
COA (PDF):  C012