Home » Cell Structure Probes » LysoTrack™ Red


LysoTrack™ Red


LysoTrack™ Red is a cell-permeable, non-fixable, red-fluorescent dye that selectively stains lysosomes in live cells. This dye has an excitation and emission maximum of 582/592 nm and can be efficiently excited using a TRITC filter. This probe is provided as 1 mM solution in DMSO. The LysoTrack™ probes are also available in green color: LysoTrack™ Green.

Excitation/Emission: 582/592 nm
Shipping Condition: Ambient
Storage Conditions: -20ºC, protect from light
Molecular Formula: C32H40BF2N5O2
Molecular Weight: 575.51
Concentration: 1 mM   


To Order

Buy Cat.No. Product name Ex/Em(nm) Size Price
C061 LysoTrack™ Red  582/592 1 mL 1200



Protocol (PDF): C061
COA (PDF):  C061